70 Commits (main)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Pelle Wessman 723c7aa8ed Simple .htaccess file to get it working 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki c3fb722ad4 add post-by-email support to quill 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 92b55f2636 some styling for photo uploads 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 5b1d595fcf make image embed button darker 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki d6a2dddc5b apparently MediumEditor already has a placeholder text mechanism 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki cb93a9925b adds a simple publish status UI to show errors 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 475175da5f adds a "new version available" banner and a dropdown menu for publish 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 3b7d766c31 do the micropub post and redirect after it's created! 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 3dc97d7478 autosave new posts in localstorage 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki b92daf96f5 disable manifest during development, set placeholder text 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 2792d5150d oops add new controller 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 4898ed74a5 set up medium-style editor with image embedding and appcache 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 8be498a324 new "favorite" form with bookmarklet 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki 2cd148c792 Support for "likes" and adding "settings" page 9 years ago
Aaron Parecki cf8ecf1fc9 adds bookmark posting interface with bookmarklet. now any URL can auto-login given a login token. 10 years ago
Aaron Parecki e8bca410b2 add favicon 10 years ago
Aaron Parecki 9ff63c19ec specify dependencies in composer.json instead of loading in index.php 10 years ago
Aaron Parecki 9ff3e59193 removes top nav bar from design. new logo. adds a mechanism to add the post interface to your home screen. 10 years ago
Aaron Parecki a3701e1e4f rename to quill 10 years ago
Aaron Parecki 3f82ec2f75 Working app! Copied signin logic from OwnYourGram. New "post" interface for writing a simple text post. Also supports browser geolocation. 10 years ago