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--- date: '2020-11-25 13:32:56' draft: false in-reply-to: '' pleromaurl: '' posttype: in-reply-to sensitive: 'false' slug: 5fbe5d08 visibility: public title: in-reply-to xAuthor: 'J K 🇯🇵🏴' xAuthorUrl: '' xPhoto: '' xContent: 'OK, so I think the process will go like this: <br /><br />1. GET remote URL of reply status<br />2. GET remote context of reply status<br />3. From remote context get URL of original post<br />4. Curl original post (which is to an object rather than notice.. ) and grab the local ID of the original status from the redirect message..<br />5. GET local context of original status locally<br />6. Loop through each status entry in context array until you hit the one thats URL matches the remote URL of the status I am trying to reply to.. <br />7. From that record, grab the local ID of the same status and send the reply to it.. <br /><br />.. fun!(?!?!?!)' xPublished: '2020-11-25T12:18:12+00:00' xPostType: reply --- Testing local replies