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{{ printf `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>` | safeHTML }} {{/* ref: */}} <feed xmlns:media="" xmlns=""{{ with site.LanguageCode }} xml:lang="{{ . }}"{{ end }}> <generator uri="" version="{{ hugo.Version }}">Hugo</generator> <link href="" rel="hub"/> {{- $title := site.Title -}} {{- with .Title -}} {{- if (not (eq . site.Title)) -}} {{- $title = printf `%s %s %s` . (i18n "feed_title_on" | default "on") site.Title -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{ printf `<title type="html"><![CDATA[%s]]></title>` $title | safeHTML }} {{ with (or (.Param "subtitle") (.Param "tagline")) }} {{ printf `<subtitle type="html"><![CDATA[%s]]></subtitle>` . | safeHTML }} {{ end }} {{ $output_formats := .OutputFormats }} {{ range $output_formats -}} {{- $rel := (or (and (eq "atom" (.Name | lower)) "self") "alternate") -}} {{ with $output_formats.Get .Name }} {{ printf `<link href=%q rel=%q type=%q title=%q />` .Permalink $rel .MediaType.Type .Name | safeHTML }} {{- end -}} {{- end }} <updated>{{ now.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }}</updated> {{ with site.Copyright }} {{- $copyright := replace . "{year}" now.Year -}} {{/* In case the site.copyright uses a special string "{year}" */}} {{- $copyright = replace $copyright "©" "©" -}} <rights>{{ $copyright | plainify }}</rights> {{- end }} {{ with .Param "feed" }} {{/* For this to work, the $icon file should be present in the assets/ directory */}} {{- $icon := .icon | default "icon.svg" -}} {{- with resources.Get $icon -}} <icon>{{ (. | fingerprint).Permalink }}</icon> {{- end }}
{{/* For this to work, the $logo file should be present in the assets/ directory */}} {{- $logo := .logo | default "logo.svg" -}} {{- with resources.Get $logo -}} <logo>{{ (. | fingerprint).Permalink }}</logo> {{- end }} {{ end }} {{ with -}} <author> <name>{{ . }}</name> {{ with }} <email>{{ . }}</email> {{ end -}} </author> {{- end }} {{ with }} <id>{{ . | plainify }}</id> {{ else }} <id>{{ .Permalink }}</id> {{ end }} {{- $limit := (cond (le site.Config.Services.RSS.Limit 0) 65536 site.Config.Services.RSS.Limit) }} {{- $feed_sections := site.Params.feedSections | default site.Params.mainSections -}} {{/* Range through only the pages with a Type in $feed_sections. */}} {{- $pages := where .RegularPages "Type" "in" $feed_sections -}} {{- if (eq .Kind "home") -}} {{- $pages = where site.RegularPages "Type" "in" $feed_sections -}} {{- end -}} {{/* Remove the pages that have the disable_feed parameter set to true. */}} {{- $pages = where $pages ".Params.disable_feed" "!=" true -}} {{- range first $limit $pages }} {{ $page := . }} <entry> {{ printf `<title type="html"><![CDATA[%s]]></title>` .Title | safeHTML }} <link href="{{ .Permalink }}?utm_source=atom_feed" rel="alternate" type="text/html" /> {{- range .Translations }} {{- $link := printf "%s?utm_source=atom_feed" .Permalink | safeHTML }} {{- printf `<link href=%q rel="alternate" type="text/html" hreflang=%q />` $link .Lang | safeHTML }} {{- end }} {{ with }} <id>{{ . | plainify }}</id> {{ else }} <id>{{ .Permalink }}</id> {{ end }} {{ with -}} {{- range . -}} <!-- Assuming the author front-matter to be a list --> <author> <name>{{ . }}</name> </author> {{- end -}} {{- end }} <published>{{ .Date.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }}</published> <updated>{{ .Lastmod.Format "2006-01-02T15:04:05-07:00" | safeHTML }}</updated> {{ $description1 := .Description | default "" }} {{ $description := (cond (eq "" $description1) "" (printf "<blockquote>%s</blockquote>" ($description1 | markdownify))) }} {{ $media := newScratch }} {{ $media.Set "media" ""}} {{ range .Params.Photo }} {{ if not ( in . "http" ) }} {{ $this := . }} {{ $media.Add "media" (printf "<img src=''/>" (echoParam $this "value") ) }} {{ else }} {{ $this := . }} {{ $media.Add "media" (printf "<img src='%s'/>" (echoParam $this "value") ) }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ printf `<content type="html"><![CDATA[%s%s%s]]></content>` $description .Content ($media.Get "media")| safeHTML }} </entry> {{ end }} </feed>