<p>Alternatively, if you do not have a webmentions enabled website then you can leave a message using the comment parade form below.</p>
<details><summary>Comment Parade</summary><p>Please copy the following and paste into the URL field below: <spanclass="url">{{.Permalink }}</span></p><embedtype="text/html"class="commentparade"src="https://commentpara.de"></embed></details>
<details><summary>Comment Parade</summary><p>Please copy the following and paste into the URL field below: <spanclass="url">{{.Permalink }}</span></p><embedtype="text/html"class="commentparade"src="https://commentpara.de"/></details>
<p>All going well, interactions will take a few minutes to appear, possibly longer due to .. gremlins.</p>
{{ $mention_ids := index $.Site.Data.index .RelPermalink }}