    - politics
    - Scotland
date: '2021-05-06 08:00:17'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A6y3n6ujgKF7db1hVg'
posttype: note
sensitive: 'false'
slug: '60939401'
visibility: public
title: note
If you are in Scotland, registered to vote and haven't done so by post already then please go out and vote today (please wear your mask and vote safely)! If you can't make it then you have until 5pm to designate someone to vote on your behalf, just contact your council.  Also, if it is not too much to ask please vote for whichever combination of parties you feel will most effectively accelerate our departure from this dysfunctional "union"..

My Japanese wife and I voted a few weeks ago, her first vote, anywhere!