--- category: - studies - letter date: '2020-12-08 16:37:05' draft: false posttype: note sensitive: 'false' slug: 5fcfabb1 visibility: public title: note --- Very productive day of research today, getting some sleep definitely helps! Though I still have some vestiges of the cold remaining, I'm definitely on track to hand in a good final assignment submission this weekend. I also drafted a ..”letter” that I'm going to.. I believe the word is "write" and involves rare materials such as paper and an ink receptacle.. to a chap in a nearby(ish) village to our future home who opened a brewery last month and a tap room this month.. just to congratulate him on living the dream and to introduce myself as a potential future collaborator.. I am not sure if I've ever actually written a letter (to be "posted") to anyone in my adult life.. but I don't have an email address for the chap and whilst I have means to attain it.. a letter will hopefully kickstart our relationship in a positive light.