date: '2020-10-20 08:56:46'
draft: false
posttype: note
slug: 5f8e983e
visibility: public
title: note
I've been doing a fair amount of research reading for my first postgraduate assignment over the past week or so and will hopefully start to write it up today.  It is due at 12pm on Monday so I've a little over 6 days to write it, which should, I think, be plenty.. though adapting to an impersonal, science-y way of writing might take a bit of time.

During the reading phase I installed and have been using [Zotero](https://www.zotero.org), a FOSS reference management tool with LibreOffice integration and though I'm still probably only scratching the surface of what the app is capable of I am quite impressed, I can see this tool being very helpful over the next few years of study.

In other news, my daughter woke me at around 3am (she needed a drink of water and felt that I should wake up, get out of bed, come through to her room and hand her the water bottle that was on her bedframe, within arms reach, then stay with her until she fell back asleep..rather than reach for it herself) and it took me over 90 minutes to get back to "sleep".. and now my coffee appears to be malfunctioning..