date: '2021-03-25 13:08:49'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A5ZMNNvFLOCBk1tQsi'
posttype: note
sensitive: 'false'
slug: 605c8b61
visibility: public
title: note
Ooh it seems like [Deepl](https://deepl.com/translator) has added Japanese to their translator since the last time I checked.

I just used it to translate an article from note and whilst the translation wasn't perfect, it was very readable and a lot better than anything I remember from my uni days.

I'll have to get my wife to verify how the English to Japanese translation holds up for one of my blog posts.. and if it's good enough to use to translate my blog posts for that platform.