--- title: "Tha mi trang gach latha! – Notes on Lesson 8" date: 2014-11-20T07:31:48Z Blog: ["Kilted Scot"] category: - "Gàidhlig" - "Gaelic" - "notes" - "term1" - "week8" images: ["/images/700/IMAG0613_1-edited.jpg"] Type: ["article"] draft: false --- This was a tough week, I missed a lot having been absent from class for a fortnight but even for those who had been in attendance previously this was a tough week. In this week’s notes I am going to type out the reading for our homework assignment in whole and will <u>underline</u> points of interest for discussion afterwards. If you’ve read my previous posts you will probably understand the reaction of shock and awe that I experienced when I opened the document, with my handy _abaìr!_ dictionary in tow though I went to work translating it. I made a number of mistakes but I’ll try and explain why as I go along. I’m not going to provide a translation for the whole piece (because I’m a bit evil) as no-one wants to read a blog post of that length! > <center><b><em>Mo sgeulachd!</em></b></center> > >_Is mise Ann agus tha mi à Leodhas ach a’fuireach ann am Musselburgh. Tha flat ùr agam <u>an sin</u> agus tha e bun os cionn an drasda! Rugadh agus thogadh mi ann an Garrabost ann an Leodhas. <u>Cha robh ach</u> timcheall air fichead taigh ann <u>nuair</u> a bha mi òg._ > >_Bha mi a'fuireach ann an taigh criot <u>comhla rì</u> m’athair, mo mhàthair, agus dithis pheathraichean. ‘Se Alison agus Doreen <u>a th’orra</u>. Tha iadsan a’fuireach ann an Leodhas <u>fhathast</u>, agus tha Alison a’fuireach ann an Garrabost fhathast! Tha iad posda agus tha nighean aig Doreen agus dithis nighean aig Alison – chan eil balaich idir anns an teaghlach – tha dithis nighean agamsa cuideachd!_ > >_Nuair a bha mi seachd deug bha mi a’dol gu Obar Dheathain gu an Oiltigh… ach, obh, obh <u>‘s beag orm</u> Obar Dheathain!! Bha mi a’dol dhachaidh an dèidh trì seachdainean!_ > >_Aig ochd deug bha mi a’dol gu Glaschu agus ‘s <u>mòr orm</u> Glaschu! Tha mo nighean, Rebecca <u>a nis</u> a’fuireach ann an Glaschu!_ > >_Tha m’athair a nis ceithir fichead ‘sa còig agus mo mhàthair tri fichead ‘sa còig deug. Bidh iad <u>trang gach latha</u> agus tha iad gu math! Bidh mi a’dol gu Leodhas anns an <u>Dubhlachd</u> airson ceilidh air an teaghlach!_ > >_Nueair a bha mo chlann nighean òg bha iad toilichte ann an Leodhas ag obair air an criot comhla rì m’athair!_ > >_Tha aon nighean agam a’fuireach ann am Musselburgh agus an nighean <u>eile</u> ann an Glaschu!_ This is the story of Ann’s family and there are a few tricky phrases in there if you haven’t heard them explained or had any context supplied. For example, when I tried to translate _‘s beag orm_ and _‘s mòr orm_ all I knew was that beag means ‘small’ and mòr means ‘big’ so since they were in relation to places (Aberdeen and Glasgow) I figured that they would perhaps relate to either the size of the city or the duration of time there.. so I guessed at either ‘Aberdeen is too small’ or ‘I stayed in Aberdeen briefly’ and the opposite for Glasgow. I was mistaken, though in fairness I wasn’t far off. As it happens _‘s beag orm_ is a colloqualism meaning ‘I hate it’ and conversely _‘s mòr orm_ means ‘I love it’ so Ann hates Aberdeen and loves Glasgow. Not sure what there is to hate about Aberdeen but then I only lived there for seven years not the three weeks that Ann managed :P. Another clause I found interesting and I think would have struggled to translate if I wasn’t Scottish is _chan eil ach_ which means (in this context) ‘There wasn’t but (20 houses when I lived there)’ this is perhaps seldom used nowadays but is a standard Scottish turn of phrase. Otherwise the rest of the underlined words are just new vocabulary: | **Gàidhlig** | **English** | | --- | --- | | _an sin / ann_ | there | | _an drasda_ | now (with immediacy as in ‘right now, this moment’) | | _a nis_ | now (more general, as in ‘these days’) | | _nuair_ | when | | _fhathast*_ | still | | _comhla rì_ | along with | | _‘se … a th’orra**_ | Their names are .. | | _trang gach latha_ | lit: ‘busy every day’ | | _Dubhlachd_ | December (lit: The Black Month) | | _eile_ | other | \* We learned before that to ask someone their name you would say _Cò thusa_? which literally means ‘who are you?’ however there is an alternate way which means ‘what is your name?’ and this is _dè an t-ainm a th’ort_? The response to this question is _‘se \<name> (an t-ainm) a tha orm_ (abbreviated to _a th’orm_). The form of _orm_ is changed dependant on the personal pronoun, so in this case _th’orra_ is used for ‘they’. ** I find the pronunciation of this word fairly amusing, it is a good example of how complicated Gaelic spelling can be compared to its pronunciation, though often the reverse is true too. _Fhathast_ is basically pronounced ‘haast’ as the ‘f’ isn’t pronounced when lenited and ‘th’ is also not pronounced mid-word. We also touched upon _dithis_ again which is the counter for two people and just like it’s relative _dà_ (two) it’s a fickle creature. _Dithis_ means ‘twosome’ which is a noun and therefore when followed by a second noun (as it always would be) the second noun doesn’t take a plural. This is due to the second noun taking the genitive case and reverting back to the singular form. That’s what I wrote down, I do not claim to understand it! Finally, when talking about a dead person in Gaelic, much like other languages such as Japanese you generally aren’t as direct as referring to them as dead. Rather you tend to say they are not alive, _chan eil iad beò_. Alternatively, if you are prone to religion you might use _caochail_ which means expired (specifically relating to people). If you are talking about animals or plants you would use _marbh_.