    - brewing
date: '2021-03-06 17:53:49'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A4wO2v0GDAs0uhGpfM'
posttype: note
sensitive: 'false'
slug: 6043c1ad
visibility: public
title: note
Had a pretty productive day of studying, and although most of the material I read is snooze inducing, I read one journal article (out of 20+) which was interesting and I think I'll follow up post-assignment.

It was around the reuse of spent hops as a post-fermentation fining agent.. I like the idea of being able to reuse an essentially single use ingredient at a later stage in the process to aid with sedimentation/clarification.. especially since I've no intention of using collagen from tropical fish bladders in my brewing process..