title: "Tasting Notes - Over The Hill"
date: 2019-06-19T14:06:35Z
Blog: ["Brewshido"]
    - "Craft Beer"
    - "Tasting Notes"
    - "Over The Hill"
    - "Hillside Brewery"
    - "England"
    - "Mineral Water"
    - "Bramling Cross hops"
    - "Dark Mild"
images: ["/images/xxx.jpg"]
draft: true

Name<br/>名前| Brewery<br/>醸造所 | Country<br/>国 | Type<br/>種類 | ABV %<br/>アルコール度数 |IBU<br/>アイビーユー |
Over The Hill | Hillde Brewery | England | Dark Mild | 3.5 | - |
I suspect that the bottle of _Over The Hill_ which I taed did not travel well and dly this is reflected in the taing notes, it ems other taers had a different experience relating to the head (or in my experience lack thereof)

<td width="40%">Mineral water<br/>Barley, Oats and Wheat<br/>Yea<br/>Bramling cross hops</td>
<td width="40%">大麦麦芽(ピルスナー,キャラメル)<br/>苦ホップ(スラデック)<br/>上面発酵酵母</td></tr>
<td>Dark cocoa in colour<br/>Almo non-exiant head<br/>Looks like a glass of flat cola</td><td>少し白濁の外観<br/>キャラメルシロップの色<br/>持続性のあるオフホワイトのたっぷりとした泡</td></tr>
<td>Rich cocoa<br/>A hint of coffee<br/>Subtle roaed malts</td><td>ホッピーな軽いシトラスの香り<br/>爽快で飲みやすそうなビール</td></tr>
<td>Dark chocolate<br/>Very flat mouthfeel<br/>Malty</td>