{"type":"entry","author":{"type":"card","name":"J K 🇯🇵🏴","photo":"https://social.nipponalba.scot/media/201caaea1889f39529535e829117ad39acdd7db241be2c888363e72bda171c67.jpg?name=profile.jpg","url":"https://social.nipponalba.scot/users/jk"},"url":"https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A5PxQhHnYnA1OBHizY","published":"2021-03-21T00:16:59","wm-received":"2021-03-21T01:06:15Z","wm-id":1084785,"wm-source":"https://brid.gy/comment/mastodon/@jk@social.nipponalba.scot/A5PwzECFbdpXLoakPQ/A5PxQhHnYnA1OBHizY","wm-target":"https://jk.nipponalba.scot/note/60568e03/","content":{"html":"It might taste different after maturing & conditioning but my gut feeling is that it isn't going to be quite as sweet as I'm looking for so I think I'll slightly shorten tomorrow's mash stage so that less complex sugars are broken down to yeast food and therefore there should be a slightly higher volume of residual sugars in the final, sweeter beer.. will just call it 5 minutes earlier and hopefully have my first base beer for my tea trifecta..","text":"It might taste different after maturing & conditioning but my gut feeling is that it isn't going to be quite as sweet as I'm looking for so I think I'll slightly shorten tomorrow's mash stage so that less complex sugars are broken down to yeast food and therefore there should be a slightly higher volume of residual sugars in the final, sweeter beer.. will just call it 5 minutes earlier and hopefully have my first base beer for my tea trifecta.."},"in-reply-to":"https://jk.nipponalba.scot/note/60568e03/","wm-property":"in-reply-to","wm-private":false}