date: '2021-03-16 08:53:57'
draft: false
in-reply-to: 'https://zp.nipponalba.scot/channel/jk?mid=b64.aHR0cHM6Ly96cC5uaXBwb25hbGJhLnNjb3QvaXRlbS9mYjA0YTA2OS0zYjBiLTQ1M2UtOThkMC0zZDQxMTAwZDk4YWI'
posttype: in-reply-to
slug: '60507225'
title: in-reply-to
xAuthor: 'J K 🇯🇵🏴'
xAuthorUrl: 'https://zp.nipponalba.scot/channel/jk'
xPhoto: 'https://zp.nipponalba.scot/photo/profile/l/2'
xContent: 'It takes a very, very long time for my stream to load (in excess of 15 seconds) compared to the public stream (1-2 seconds).. why is that?
I remember a similar, though not as exaggerated delay when I hosted friendica and that required me to go into the MySQL DB and do some tweaks before it ran at an acceptable speed..
.. I am on postgresql here but why do these php social media sites require so much DB tweaking? (doesn''t happen with pixelfed in fairness but there isn''t a great deal of content there right now due to the lack of network tab..
Isn''t the answer to write more efficient code than tweak whichever database we are instructed to use?'
xPublished: '2021-02-06T01:25:26+00:00'
xPostType: note
Test post to zap