{{ define "main" }}
<section class="about h-feed">
  <section class="profile title h-card p-author">
      <section class="profile-left"><img class="u-photo" src="/images/profile.jpg" alt="profile picture"></section>
      <section class="profile-right">
      <a rel="author" class="title p-name u-url u-uid" rel="me" href="https://jk.nipponalba.scot">{{ .Site.Params.Title }}</a><br/>
        <ul class="social-links">
          {{ range $item := .Site.Params.socialIcons }}
          <a href="{{ $item.url | safeURL }}" rel="me" >
            <i class="fa {{ $item.icon }}" aria-hidden="true" title="{{ $item.title }}"></i>
          {{ end }}
      <section class="description">
        <p class="p-note">{{ .Site.Params.description }}</p>
      <section style="display:none">
      <span class="p-country-name">Scotland or Japan</span>
      <a class="u-email" rel="me" href="mailto:jk@nipponalba.scot"></a>
      <a class="u-url" rel="me" href="https://social.nipponalba.scot/jk"></a>
      <a class="u-url" rel="me" href="https://px.nipponalba.scot/jk"></a>
      <span class="p-category">Craft Beer</span>
      <span class="p-category">Single Malt Whisky</span>
      <span class="p-category">Homebrewing</span>
      <span class="p-category">Scottish Politics</span>
      <span class="p-category">Scottish History</span>
      <span class="p-category">Japanese History</span>
      <span class="p-category">Tech</span>
      <span class="p-category">Veganism</span>
      <span class="p-category">Cooking</span>
    <h1>Latest post</h1>
    {{ range (first 1 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "!=" "response")) }}
    <article class="post h-entry entry">
        {{ with .Page.Params.Image }}{{ partial "taxonomy/image.html" . }}{{ end }}<h3 class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</h3>
    <section class="e-content">{{ .Content }}
      {{ if eq .Type "photo"}}
        <section class="photos">
        {{ range .Page.Params.Photo }}
          <a class="u-url" href="{{ . }}"><img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace . "800." "300."}}"/></a>
    <section class="info">
      {{ if eq .Type "article" }}
      <span class="blogs_span">{{ with .Page.Params.Blog }}Blog: {{ partial "taxonomy/blog.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></span><br/>
      <span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="reading-time">{{ .ReadingTime }}-minute read</span><br/>
      <span class="tags_span">{{ with .Page.Params.tag }}Tags: {{ partial "taxonomy/tags.html" . }}{{ end }}</span>
      {{ else }}
      <span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></a></span><br/>
      {{ end }}
<a href="https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon"></a>
    {{ end }}
{{ end }}