--- title: "Leabhar-latha – Homework for Lesson 4" date: 2014-10-23T07:31:48Z Blog: ["Kilted Scot"] category: - "Gàidhlig" - "Gaelic" - "notes" - "term1" - "week4" images: ["/images/700/IMAG0613_1-edited.jpg"] Type: ["article"] draft: false --- Whilst there will be no notes for last week’s class (due to me being absent) the tutor was kind enough to send me the homework task. So this week I have to keep a diary in Gaelic for a week with at least two sentences in past tense. Here goes! Hold on to your hats! With my beginner’s knowledge of Gaelic and my insomnia-ridden, work-driven dull week this promises to be a roller-coaster of a journey. Most likely a roller-coaster which is closed for maintenance. <center><b><em>Leabhar-latha (diary)</em></b></center> **Diardaoin** >_Bha mi ag obair gu trang aig an taigh. Bha mi a’sgriobhadh am blog mu a’ Iapan. Chan robh mi anns an sgoil-Gàidhlig ‘san amnoch. Bha mi glè sgìth!_ > >I worked hard from home. I wrote a blog post about Japan. I didn’t go to my Gaelic class in the evening. I was VERY tired. **Dihaoine** >_Bha mi ag obair aig an taigh. Bha mi a’ sgrìobhadh am blog a’ Gàidhlig._ > >I worked from home. I wrote a Gaelic blog post. **Disathurna** >_Bha mi a’ snàmh anns a’ mhadainn. Bha mi anns an taigh-bìdh seapanais feasgar. Bha dinneir agus leanntan glè bhlasta. Bha mi toilichte._ > >I went swimming in the morning. In the evening I went to a Japanese restaurant. Dinner and beers were delicious. I was happy. **Là na Sàbaid** >_Bha mi a’ ceannach. Cheannaich mi bolgain (no bolganan), càl, feòil agus uinneanan. Bha mi ag obraich air làrach-lìn feasgar._ > >I went shopping. I bought lighbulbs (or (alternative plural) lightbulbs, cabbage, meat and onions. I worked on a website in the evening. **Diluain** >_Bha mi ag obair aig an taigh (Tha mi obraich air do cheann fhéin). Chan robh mi cadal. Bha mi glè sgìth!_ > >I worked from home (I am self-employed). I didn’t sleep. I was very tired. **Dimàirt** >_Bha mi ag obair aig an taigh o leth uair as dèidh ceithir anns a’ mhadainn. Bha mi seachd sgìth._ > >I worked from home from half past four in the morning. I was extremely tired. **Diciadain** >_Cha robh mi ag obair. Bha mi a’ snàmh anns a’ mhadainn._ > >I wasn’t working. I went swimming in the morning. There we go, as promised all of the excitement of a completely immobile roller coaster.