date: '2020-12-15 10:50:37'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A2DseabXt9uAKdAuGW'
posttype: note
sensitive: 'false'
slug: 5fd894fd
visibility: public
title: note
Right then, daughter dressed and prepped for childminder, dog fed, cooker and extractor fan panels cleaned, washing machine filters cleaned and on a self-clean cycle, dishwasher & filters cleaned, coffee machine cleaned and descaled, the only squeaky door in the house which just happens to be my daughter's and the bane of my early-hours-of-the-morning-when-I-should-be-sleeping life desqueaked, giant pile of cardboard boxes flattened and recycling organised..

.. must be about time to pick my daughter up.. wtf its not even 11am yet?!?! This coffee was a mistake, I need a nap!