{{ .Title }}
{{ .Description }}{{ with .Page.Params.Blog }} {{ partial "taxonomy/blog.html" . }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Page.Params.category }}{{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Page.Params.tag }}, {{ partial "taxonomy/tags.html" . }}{{ end }}
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All going well, interactions will take a few minutes to appear, possibly longer due to .. gremlins.
{{ range $mentions }}{{ if eq (index . "wm-property") "like-of" }}Comments & Replies
{{ partial "webmention.html" $mentions }}{{ $cat }}
{{ range $.Site.Data.bookmarks }} {{ if eq .category $cat }}{{ .Site.Params.Title }} {{ if eq .Params.posttype "like-of" }} liked {{ .Params.xAuthor }}'s {{ .Params.xPostType }}{{ end }} {{ if eq .Params.posttype "in-reply-to" }} replied to {{ .Params.xAuthor }}'s {{ end }} {{ if eq .Params.posttype "repost-of" }} shared {{ .Params.xAuthor }}'s {{ .Params.xPostType }}{{ end }}
{{ if .Params.xContent }}{{ .Params.xContent }}