    - letter
    - Japan
    - future
date: '2020-12-16 23:50:43'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A2H4nAJUn10GK0T3p2'
posttype: note
sensitive: 'false'
slug: 5fda9d53
visibility: public
title: note
So, yesterday I wrote and posted an 8 page letter (A5 I think, one-sided, no fecking lines!) to a couple that I've never met before but who I suspect have heard a little about me.

They are both second (I think) American-Japanese, are both ex-teachers (he a high school science teacher and she an elementary school teacher) who moved to a village in Japan which is reasonably close to our future home, where they established a craft brewery and tap room which both opened in November.

We have a mutual friend who had recently offered to introduce me to them, though I tool this step (with coaxing from my wife) before that opportunity arose.

It was a pretty bold letter (and gesture, I guess), congratulating them on their achievements, giving a fairly comprehensive overview of my own similar dreams and my steps thus far taken to achieve them.  and nonchalantly canvassing them for a job for "industry experience" when we move over.

It is also the first letter I have written to anyone (a few hand-delivered letters to ex-girlfriends in my youth aside) .. and I'm 43..

Whilst I expect that the gesture will be well received, I can't shake the feeling that they won't quite have shaken off their former lives and I'm going to get my letter back, with disappointed comments about my poor handwriting!