--- date: '2020-08-16 19:48:30' draft: false posttype: note slug: 5f397f7e visibility: public title: note --- Some very close friends visited the house today. It was great to see them but difficult and sort of awkward, situationally, hopefully not lasting. I had really hoped that our physical distancing exempt 2 year old might share goodbye hugs where we could not but sadly tiredness hit her just before they left. Feeling awful, whilst we all did the right thing and all knew and adhered to the restrictions, we'd never normally part like this. Both groups have suffered loss over the past few months (neither covid-related but during lockdown) and ordinarily today would have been a hugfest.. I know in the grand scheme of things this is minor and something we're all experiencing, but it sucked, I couldn't even share a beer I made with one of my closest friends.