    - pixelfed
date: '2021-01-13 14:19:29'
draft: false
pleromaurl: 'https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A3CICSvrLr1UcskPlA'
posttype: note
slug: 5fff0171
title: note
Hmm after updating my instance to the latest round of pixelfed commits, my discover page is now entirely populated by posts made by myself..

Not that it was hugely meaningful before the changes, as the trending section was populated with posts that appeared in my timeline but I'm not sure that these new changes fulfil the brief of "discover" for a decentralised/federated app.. How is a user on a small single-(or few)user instance meant to discover anyone if it is local only and they only see their own posts? 

I'm sure this is still a work in progress but given the importance of discoverability, particularly to smaller servers, why would anyone want to join anywhere but pixelfed.social if their experience will be hamstrung elsewhere?

I can already play through the conversation with friend..

Friend: Oh this is a cool looking site, fairly familiar layout, sure, I'll give it ago..

Me: I just send you an invite

Friend: eh, is there anyone other than you using this app?

Me: yes, haha, thousands of people

Friend: and I find them how?

Me: well you have to have pre-ordained innate knowledge of their existence, you know from experience with another activitypub app with enhanced discoverability options

Friend: activitywhat?

Me: of course despite my many attempts to get you to move over, this is your first account.. In that case you need to create an account on other instances and check their discover pages for interesting accounts.. But people also post photos from other non-pixelfed sites so if you want to find them you'll need to sign up to another service, but I can give you an account on my..

Friend: Actually, never mind, thanks anyway..