{"type":"entry","author":{"type":"card","name":"J K 🇯🇵🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿","photo":"https://webmention.io/avatar/social.nipponalba.scot/201caaea1889f39529535e829117ad39acdd7db241be2c888363e72bda171c67.jpg","url":"https://social.nipponalba.scot/users/jk"},"url":"https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A1YYC4zXroQbc6AhaC","published":"2020-11-25T12:18:12","wm-received":"2020-11-25T12:56:46Z","wm-id":923598,"wm-source":"https://brid-gy.appspot.com/comment/mastodon/@jk@social.nipponalba.scot/A1YUwgG7Ez7shSt7HU/A1YYC4zXroQbc6AhaC","wm-target":"https://jk.nipponalba.scot/note/5fbe42fa/","content":{"html":"OK, so I think the process will go like this:

1. GET remote URL of reply status
2. GET remote context of reply status
3. From remote context get URL of original post
4. Curl original post (which is to an object rather than notice.. ) and grab the local ID of the original status from the redirect message..
5. GET local context of original status locally
6. Loop through each status entry in context array until you hit the one thats URL matches the remote URL of the status I am trying to reply to..
7. From that record, grab the local ID of the same status and send the reply to it..

.. fun!(?!?!?!)","text":"OK, so I think the process will go like this: \n\n1. GET remote URL of reply status\n2. GET remote context of reply status\n3. From remote context get URL of original post\n4. Curl original post (which is to an object rather than notice.. ) and grab the local ID of the original status from the redirect message..\n5. GET local context of original status locally\n6. Loop through each status entry in context array until you hit the one thats URL matches the remote URL of the status I am trying to reply to.. \n7. From that record, grab the local ID of the same status and send the reply to it.. \n\n.. fun!(?!?!?!)"},"in-reply-to":"https://jk.nipponalba.scot/note/5fbe42fa/","wm-property":"in-reply-to","wm-private":false}