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date draft posttype sensitive slug visibility title
2021-08-05 19:59:08 false note false 610c34fc public note

We've finally received an acknowledgement of our applications to move to Japan, it doesn't give much away but suggests that we might need to have interviews at nonsensical times of the day, because of the time difference and the apparent demi-godesque status of the village (approx 4,000 people) mayor.. and (presumably) his timetable..

.. this has wound me up the wrong way.. you apparently only get an interview if you have been accepted.. we both have jobs and childcare we have to work around.. but the mayor can't schedule a time that suits us all, for people he wants to move to his village ..really?

So I have wake up at something like 4am after probably 1 hour of sleep for an interview in a language I am far from fluent in (when awake) just to satisfy his fucking ego? Not going to happen..

..either they want us or they don't and the man with the job of mayor will have to show a little bit of flexibility if he wants us to move to his village.