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2020-11-25 16:03:21 false https://glitch.social/@gcupc/105271318073342127 https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A1YsIIrzBCUDTasg0e in-reply-to false 5fbe8049 public in-reply-to GCU Prosthetic Conscience https://glitch.social/@gcupc https://static.glitch.social/accounts/avatars/000/011/315/original/1a336891e37112dd.png <p><span class="h-card"><a href="https://social.nipponalba.scot/users/jk" class="u-url">@<span>jk</span></a></span> I saw it.</p> 2020-11-25T14:00:36+00:00 reply

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