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842 B

date draft posttype sensitive slug visibility title
2021-07-22 20:58:56 false note false 60f9ce00 public note

It took a bit of work today (amongst a hectic day at actual work) and a fair amount of help from tobi, but I can now post to my personal website from Indigenous and have it syndicate to my #GoToSocial account. I still have to test liking, sharing, commenting via this method so not completed this part of the "write" activity quite yet.. good progress though.

From an API interaction perspective writing the "read" activity scripts to integrate likes, shares and comments from others back into my account SHOULD be easier.. but from a logic perspective there is a lot more to work out and I'm starting from scratch as this functionality is provided by brid.gy on at the moment on my other site.

Earned a beer!