jk.nipponalba.scot website
945 B
945 B
category | date | draft | pleromaurl | posttype | sensitive | slug | visibility | title |
[DroneCI RPI4 Pine64 docker] | 2021-01-28 00:53:38 | false | https://social.nipponalba.scot/notice/A3gDzKa7NOJ8d41rkm | note | false | 60120b12 | public | note |
As much as I like the automation of my website publishing process, I really don't think that DroneCI is well suited for arm (or maybe the fault lies with docker and may be rpi specific). The job consists of 3 steps/modules:
Git clone. Takes a few seconds manually but the stage took 3m34s to complete for the job I'm currently waiting on finishing
Hugo build, can see from the output that the build took 2591ms.. Stage took 2m10s
Scp pull.. 45 seconds here.. Though in reality fraction of the time..
It runs on a rasperry pi 4 (2GB) though isn't the only running service.. However, my similarly specced pine64 devices don't struggle with the multiple jobs they run.