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fixing links in new blog post

jon 3 years ago
  1. 2
  2. 2
  3. 52
  4. 2


@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tag:
- "BushidoDreams"
- "SovereignScot"
- "KiltedScot"
image: ["../images/bd.png"]
image: ["../images/logo.png"]
Type: ["article"]
draft: false


@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ tag:
- "BushidoDreams"
- "SovereignScot"
- "KiltedScot"
image: ["/images/bd.png"]
image: ["/images/logo.png"]
Type: ["article"]
draft: false


@ -22,30 +22,26 @@ Over time, I came to realise that most people aren't going to move, and that's f
However, that didn't deter me, I've had a great time experimenting with and trying out LOTS of different decentralised apps, mainly activitypub cognisant, over the past few years and regularly raise bug reports, feature requests or generally just try to help the developers of those apps as much as I can along the way.  My whole outlook on software development has changed positively due to these interactions. 
If I remember correctly, over the past few years, I have hosted:
* \[Friendica\](
* \[Diaspora*\](
* \[Mastodon\](
* \[Pleroma\](
* \[Pixelfed\](
* \[Osada\](
* \[Zap\](
* \[Peertube\](
* \[Funkwhale\](
* \[Plume\](
* \[Nextcloud\](
* \[Mumble\](
* \[GoToSocial\](
* \[Prosody (XMMP)\](
* [Friendica](
* [Diaspora*](
* [Mastodon](
* [Pleroma](
* [Pixelfed](
* [Osada](
* [Zap](
* [Peertube](
* [Funkwhale](
* [Plume](
* [Nextcloud](
* [Mumble](
* [GoToSocial](
* [Prosody (XMMP)](
* [Synapse (Matrix)]
* \[Dendrite (Matrix)\](
* \[Cactus Comments\](
* \[Gitea\](
* [Dendrite (Matrix)](
* [Cactus Comments](
* [Gitea](
* Email
My initial hosting efforts were on a chunky x86 server with lots of RAM etc. but for the past few years I've moved my sites and apps onto lower energy consumption single board computers (SBC) and rarely have I experienced any issues (though building early versions of plume on one was somewhat of a nightmare!).  I'm not going to go into the various reasons for ditching or keeping the apps that I host currently, but happy to discuss in comments or my contact links, should you be curious.
@ -64,17 +60,17 @@ I'm in the process of moving those apps that I want to keep and use within my ho
* **Nextcloud** - Currently used by my household and my mum, but as soon as the [Quartz64] is production ready, I'll be giving it a beefier SBC and will configure a spare SBC for my parents to have their own instance (backing up all data from Scotland to Japan is not going to be a great experience).
* **Synapse** (x2) - As mentioned above I now have multiple friends and family with accounts here and I hope to add more - so it is the second of two services to remain under the nipponalba domain.  I also just created a second instance (as dendrite development is glacial) for this domain, primarily to bridge to cactus comments, obviously should any of my close family who happen to share my surname prefer an account on this instance then they can have one.
* **Gitea** - I've conjured a really fast and light website publishing process thanks to gitea and so it remains as long as my websites do.
* **Email** (maybe) - Currently and until we move to Japan at least, we are using \[tutanota\]( for our email.  I self-hosted the email before (on a VPS) but the IP address range wasn't trusted by google or microsoft so emails to people I needed to contact weren't being delivered, or were sent directly to spam.  If we can get a static IP address from our internet provider in Japan then hopefully I can self-host email again without trust concerns.
That's it, aside from my static websites and various convenient apps such as \[bitwarden\_rs (password manager)\](\_rs) and \[beehive (automation tool)\](
* **Email** (maybe) - Currently and until we move to Japan at least, we are using [tutanota]( for our email.  I self-hosted the email before (on a VPS) but the IP address range wasn't trusted by google or microsoft so emails to people I needed to contact weren't being delivered, or were sent directly to spam.  If we can get a static IP address from our internet provider in Japan then hopefully I can self-host email again without trust concerns.
That's it, aside from my static websites and various convenient apps such as [bitwarden\_rs (password manager)](\_rs) and [beehive (automation tool)](
Going forward, rather than wanting to host everything for everyone, I'm more interested in trying to help my family and friends host their own services or sites - should they wish to.
Previous related posts:
Previous related posts:
\[Distributed or Federated Social Network\](
[Distributed or Federated Social Network](
\[The Fediverse\](
[The Fediverse](
\[Why Pixelfed?\](
[Why Pixelfed?](


@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
<section class="author" style="display:none;">
<a rel="author" class="p-author h-card" rel="me" href="">{{ .Site.Params.Author }}<img src="/images/profile1.jpg"/></a>
{{ if .Page.Params.image }}{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.image }} <img class="banner u-photo" src="{{ replace . "images" "images/300" }}"/>{{ end }}{{ end }}
{{ if .Page.Params.image }}{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.image }} <img class="banner u-photo" src="{{.}}"/>{{ end }}{{ end }}
<section class="post_content">{{ if eq .Type "article" }}<h3 class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</h3><b>{{ .Description }}</b><section class="info">
<span class="blogs_span">{{ with .Page.Params.Blog }}Blog: {{ partial "taxonomy/blog.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></span><br/>
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="reading-time">{{ .ReadingTime }}-minute read</span><br/>
