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{"type":"entry","author":{"type":"card","name":"Jon Kelbie󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿","photo":"","url":""},"url":"","published":"2020-07-21T15:04:00","wm-received":"2023-02-08T09:11:59Z","wm-id":1618206,"wm-source":"","wm-target":"","content":{"text":"Seems like the childminder is putting a lot of additional practices in place to satisfy both the enhanced government requirements and us concerned parents. So, fingers crossed!\nJust wondering if we should make a mask for our 2 year old now that she has seen others wear it and may have to go into a shop with the childminder."},"in-reply-to":"","wm-property":"in-reply-to","wm-private":false,"rels":{"canonical":""}}