You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
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{{ define "main" }}
<section class="about">
<section class="welcome">
<p><b>Hello!</b> Welcome to my wee, constantly evolving, digital space.</p>
<p>I'm currently in the process of writing scripts to integrate my <a href="" target="_blank">GoToSocial</a> account into the site and have recently enabled <a href="" target="_blank">cactus comments</a> for all posts. So there may be some minor disruptions.</p>
<p>If you are interested in keeping in touch then there are various contact options under my photo on the right, and if you just want to follow my updates then please click on the feeds link at the top and copy your preferred feed link into your RSS reader of preference.. <a href="" target="_blank">not sure what RSS is?</a></p>
<section class="h-feed">
<section class="latest_note"><h2>Latest note</h2>
{{ range (first 1 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "note")) }}
<article class="index-note h-entry entry">
<section class="author" style="display:none;">
<a rel="author" class="p-author h-card" rel="me" href="">{{ .Site.Params.Author }}<img src="/images/profile1.jpg"/></a>
<section class="e-content">{{ .Content }}
<section class="info">
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></a></span><br/>
</article> {{ end }}
<h2>Moving to Japan Checklist</h2>
<article class="index-note h-entry entry">
<section class="checklist">
<span id="a1">Apply to 協力隊 scheme</span><span id="a2">&#10004;</span><span id="a3">Interview for 協力隊 scheme </span><span id="a4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="b1">Be offered contracts for 協力隊 scheme </span><span id="b2">&#10004;</span><span id="b3">Accept contracts for 協力隊 scheme</span><span id="b4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="c1">Obtain driving license (Jon)</span><span id="c2">&#10004;</span><span id="c3">Obtain driving license (Sakino)</span><span id="c4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="d1">Obtain spouse visa (Jon)</span><span id="d2">&#10004;</span><span id="d3">Fully vaccinate and antibody test Tosh</span><span id="d4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="e1">Arrange removal company</span><span id="e2">&#10004;</span><span id="e3">Get house ready for sale</span><span id="e4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="f1">Sell house</span><span id="f2">&#10004;</span><span id="f3">Sell or donate excess stuff</span><span id="f4">&#10007;</span>
<span id="g1">Book flights</span><span id="g2">&#10004;</span><span id="g3">Arrange transport for Tosh</span><span id="g4">&#10004;</span>
<span id="h1">Be in Japan</span><span id="h2">&#10007;</span><span id="h3">Become a brewer</span><span id="h4">&#10007;</span>
<section class="latest_articles"><h2>Latest articles</h2>
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "article")) }}
<article class="index-article h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">
{{ if .Page.Params.image }}{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.image }} <img class="banner u-photo" src="{{ replace . "images" "images/300" }}"/>{{ end }}{{ end }}<span class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</span>
<section class="e-content">{{ .Description }}</section>
</a></article>{{ end }}</section>
<section class="latest_photos"><h2>Latest photos</h2>
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "photo")) }}
<article class="index-photo h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}">
<section class="e-content">
{{ if eq .Type "photo"}}
<section class="photos">
{{ $summary := .Content }}
{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.Photo }}
<figure class="index-photos">
{{ if isset . "value" }}
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace .value "800." "300."}}" title="{{$summary}}" alt="{{ .alt }}"/>
{{ else }}
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace . "800." "300."}}" title="{{$summary}}" alt="Alt not yet added, will fix!"/>
{{ end }}
<figcaption class="index-photos-caption">{{ len .Page.Params.Photo }} {{if eq (len .Page.Params.Photo) 1 }}photo{{ else }}photos{{ end }}</figcaption>
</a></article>{{ end }}</section>
<section class="index-note">
<b><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap" aria-hidden="true" target="_blank"></i> Studying:</b> On a semester long break from the MSc in Brewing and Distilling programme @ Heriot Watt University.<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-beer" aria-hidden="true"></i> Fermenter 1:</b> Packed up and ready for transport<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-beer" aria-hidden="true"></i> Fermenter 2:</b> Packed up and ready for transport<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-calendar" aria-hidden="true"></i> Planning:</b> Our move to Japan and subsequent low-alcohol home brews.<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-book" aria-hidden="true" target="_blank"></i> Reading: <a href="" class="u-url" title="Currently reading: For the Love of Hops">For the Love of Hops</a></b> by Stan Hieronymus.<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-television" aria-hidden="true"></i> Watching:</b> TV? Who has the time?<br/><br/>
<b><i class="fa fa-gamepad" aria-hidden="true"></i> Playing: <a href="" class="u-url" target="_blank" title="Currently playing: Crusader Kings III">Crusader Kings III</a></b> a grand strategy game with strong story, character and legacy development.</section>
<section class="index_exercise">
<h2>Latest Workout</h2>
{{ range first 1 (sort .Site.Data.workouts "date" "desc")}}
<section class="exercise_grid">
<span class="type"><b>Type</b><br/>{{ .type | humanize }}</span>
<span class="exdate"><b>Date</b><br/>{{ dateFormat "2 Jan 2006" .date }}</span>
<span class="comment"><b>Comment</b><br/>{{ .comment | humanize }}</span>
<span class="image"><a href="{{ .image }}" class="u-url"><img src="{{ .thumb }}" title="{{ .comment }}" alt="route map of outdoor exercise from fitotrack app" /></a></span>
<span class="distance"><b>Distance</b><br/>{{ .distance }}</span>
<span class="duration"><b>Duration</b><br/>{{ .duration }}</span>
<span class="pace"><b>Pace</b><br/>{{ .pace }}</span>
<span class="calories"><b>Calories burned</b><br/>{{ .calories }}</span>
{{ end }}
<a href=""></a>
{{ end }}