@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ |
--- |
category: |
- 'future plan' |
date: '2021-04-06 14:09:11' |
draft: false |
posttype: note |
slug: 606c5d77 |
title: note |
--- |
# March Reflection |
**1. Reading books** |
I finished five books -two in English and three in Japanese. I struggled a little bit towards the end of month but still managed to keep up with my monthly goal. The last book on parenting is really good -lots of examples shared by other parents and full of practical tips that I can apply right away. |
Books I read: |
| 本の著者・タイトル・出版社 | 値段 | |
| ----------- | ----------- | |
| 田中修治(2019). 『破天荒フェニックスーオンデーズ再生物語』. 幼冬舎. | Free (Amazon Prime JP) | |
| Simone Davies (2019). *The Montessori Toddler -A Parent's Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being*. Workman Publishing. | £7.99 (World of Books) | |
| 東田直樹(2016). 『自閉症の僕が跳びはねる理由』. KADOKAWA. | 444 yen (Amazon JP)| |
| 加藤航介(2020). 『世界を見てきた投資のプロが新入社員にこっそり教えている驚くほどシンプルで一生使える投資の極意』. 東洋経済新報社. | Free (Amazon Prime JP) | |
| Adele Faber & Elaine Mazlish (2012) *How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk*. Piccadilly Press. | Free (Amazon Prime UK) | |
**2. Creating my personal website** |
I have been lazy writing posts in English here as I have started writing on note.com. I feel great writing something in Japanese, though. I might need to re-think of the personal website. |
**3. Start preparation for our brewing business** |
I was going to read Doughnut Economics but that didn't happen. |
We finally contacted the Hidaka-mura yakuba and have set up a video chat with Kondo-san. |
Since I finished teaching, I have lot more time during working time. I am planning to learn about sustainability and business on Future Learn during this Spring/Summer. |
**4. Own less** |
We are still waiting for the next charity collection. It's frustrating to see those big plastic bags sitting in the kitchen all the time! |
My bike is cleaned and ready to go to a new owner! |