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Jon Kelbie 5 months ago
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@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
- 田舎暮らし
- 地域おこし協力隊
date: '2022-06-01 22:30:41'
description: '地域おこし協力隊プログラム初日'
draft: false
- '../images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_04.jpg'
imagealt: '松のフレーム、青を基調とした壁、山の景色が描かれた引き戸など、昔ながらの家の内装。'
name: 'A New Chapter Begins'
posttype: article
Blog: ["The KyōryokuTimes"]
slug: a-new-chapter-begins
title: 'A New Chapter Begins'
![マッシュ・アウト!](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_06.jpg "ステンレスのマッシュタンから使用済み穀物をかき出す髭面の白人。 ステンレスの醸造設備に囲まれた彼。")
_**Q: ジョンさんが日本に興味を持ったきっかけを教えてください。**_
_**A: きっかけは子どものころに見た「SHOGUN」という映画。**_
_**Q: スコットランドから日高村に移住しようと思ったきっかけは何ですか?**_
_**A: 長女が誕生して、自然が多いところで子育てをしたいと思ったからです。**_
![家族の時間](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_11.jpg "湖と田園風景の前で、小さな山々を背景に撮影された3世代の家族。")
![家族の散歩](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_10.jpg "田んぼのあぜ道を歩く幼い子供連れの家族を後ろから撮影。")
_**Q: クラフトビールのブルワリーの立ち上げをしようと思った理由を教えてください。**_
_**A: 20代のころからブルワリー(醸造所)を開くことが夢だったんです。**_
![ビール・フライト](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_07.jpg "ポルトガルのリスボンにあるクラフトビール・パブ。")
_**Q: 協力隊としてMUKAI CRAFT BREWINGで研修をすることになったきっかけを教えて下さい。**_
_**A: 知り合いをたどり、ムカイさんに手紙で思いを伝えて研修生として受け入れてもらえることになりました。**_
マサさんに「日高村にクラフトビールの醸造所を作りたい」という話をしたところ、日系アメリカ人で醸造所の立ち上げ準備をしている人が高知にいるよと、紹介してくれたのがMUKAI CRAFT BREWINGのムカイさんでした。
2020年、2020年、MUKAI CRAFT BREWINGがオープンしたタイミングでムカイさんにお手紙を送ったんです。自己紹介、希望や夢、自分も高知でブルワリーを開きたいと思っている理由などを、たっぷりと書いて…気がついたら便箋8枚にもなってました。もう、まるでラブレターのようでしたね(笑)
![Valve Check](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_03.jpg "A bearded white guy stands atop some stepladders checking the valves on top of a stainless steel fermentation vessel are tightly closed.")
_**Q: 日高村に来てからの活動についても教えてください。**_
_**A: 醸造に関する勉強をオンラインや現場で学んでいます。**_
MUKAI CRAFT BREWINGには週2日通い、ビールの作り方やブルワリーのことを学んでいます。
![深い思考](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_02.jpg "ヒゲを生やした白人の隣で、ある問題を考えているアジア系のアメリカ人。")
_**Q: 日高村での暮らしはいかがですか?**_
_**A: いろんな人が話かけてくれるので、土佐弁も少しずつ理解できるようになってきました(笑)**_
![楽しい家族の時間](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_05.jpg "長女と妻が見守る中、赤ん坊の娘の足をヒゲでくすぐるヒゲ面の白人男性。")
_**Q: 今後どのような活動を行っていきたいですか?**_
_**A: さまざまなスタイルのビールを作る中で、地域の方とコラボしたいですね。**_
写真:日高村地域おこし協力隊 加藤愛子
インタビュー:日高村地域おこし協力隊 村上ゆか
PS: The blog title _The KyōryokuTimes_ is a play on _kyōryokutai_ which is pronunciation of the final part of the programme name, the full name being _chiikiokoshikyōryokutai_ or 地域おこし協力隊.  Hey, I like it, OK :P


@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
- 'Rural Rejuvenation Programme'
- 'Inaka Life'
- 地域おこし協力隊
date: '2024-01-30 10:00:00'
description: 'Interview for the village blog (English version)'
draft: false
- '/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_04.jpg'
imagealt: 'A bearded white guy holds a 20L stainless steel keg above his head, the backdrop is blue skies and forested hills.'
name: 'いくつけいなか'
posttype: article
Blog: ["The KyōryokuTimes"]
slug: ikitsuke-inaka
title: 'いくつけいなか'
_Back in June 2023, an interview with me was posted on [the village blog]( in Japanese. Given [Visit Kochi]( recently posted about me and the website is seeing some traffic, I thought it might be a good time to post a translation of the article here._
_Moved from Scotland and preparing to set up a brewery! Working towards his long-time dream in Hidaka village._
Now, in his second year (as of July 2023) with the Hidaka Village Community Development Cooperation Volunteers in Kochi Prefecture. Jon is originally from Scotland. He is married Sakino, from Hidaka Village, and they lived together in Scotland, but moved to Hidaka Village in June 2022 to raise her children in an environment rich in nature. He is working towards becoming a craft beer brewer.
![Mash Out!](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_06.jpg "A bearded white guy rakes spent grain out of a stainless steel mash tun. He is surrounded by stainless steel brewing equipment.")
_**Q: How did you become interested in Japan, Jon?**_
_**A: It all started with a TV series I saw as a child called SHOGUN.**_
My interest in Japan was sparked by a TV series I saw when I was eight years old called SHOGUN.
It is the story of an Englishman who is shipwrecked on a voyage to China and washes ashore in early Edo period Japan, where he bonds with the warring feudal lords and lives in Japan. I still remember the interesting sensation of learning about the Edo period customs, Japanese culture and the Shogun along with the main character.
When I was 29, I decided I wanted to learn more about the Japanese language and culture, so I quit my job and enrolled in university. Then, when I was in my third year of university, I went to Okayama University to study Japanese culture in Japan. That's when I met my now wife Sakino.
_**Q: What made you decide to move from Scotland to Hidaka Village?**_
_**A: When my first daughter was born, I wanted to raise my child in a place with a lot of nature.**_
When I came back to Hidaka Village, Sakino's family home with my daughter, I thought, 'I want to raise my child here'.
It is surrounded by mountains, with a beautiful river nearby and rice field paths where you can take relaxing and quiet walks. I had always wanted to raise my children in an environment where there is a connection with nature, away from a life dependent on technology, and the environment in Hidaka Village was ideal for me.
![Family Time](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_11.jpg "A three generation family shot in front of a lake and rural scene with some small mountains in the background.")
I also thought I liked the way Christmas is spent in Japan. In Scotland, Christmas is a big event, the whole place is sparkling with lights and it is normal for children to receive many presents. Children even compete with each other to see how many presents they have received. Some parents even go into debt to buy presents so that their children aren't ridiculed...
But the presents bought in this way soon become boring and aren't played with, it is wasteful. I have always felt uncomfortable with Christmas being swallowed up by capitalism and deviating from the original purpose of Christmas.
In Hidaka Village, when you go for a walk at Christmas time, the whole village is not covered with Christmas decorations, and there is only one Christmas present for the children. Rather than being a stresfful event, we eat dinner as a family in a relaxed atmosphere. This way of spending Christmas suited me perfectly.
![Family Walk](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_10.jpg "A shot from behind of a family with young kids walking on a rural path between rice fields.")
_**Q: Why did you decide to set up a craft beer brewery?**_
_**A: Since I was in my twenties, it was my dream to open a brewery.**_
I loved drinking alcohol so much that I actually dreamt of making my own since I was in my 20s. In Scotland, it's not illegal to make alcohol at home, so I used to make beer at home with friends.
![Beer Flight](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_07.jpg "A happy looking bearded white guy sites behind 5 assorted glasses of beer in a craft beer pub in Lisbon, Portugal.")
Whilst I knew that I wanted to make beer one day, I had a busy and varied career that involved bartending, working in retail, banking and starting my own IT company, among other jobs. Working like that, I was inevitably too busy to actually make the move to open a brewery...
Once I decided to live in Hidaka Village with my family and I began to refocus on my dream of opening a brewery at the timing of this big change of environment.
_**Q: How did you end up training at Mukai Craft Brewing as a cooperative?**_
_**A: After a discussoin with a friend, I wrote to Mukai-san from Scotland to express my feelings and was accepted as a trainee.**_
When I started preparing to move to Hidaka Village, I was introduced to Masa-san (Masahiro Tsuzuki) by Sakino's brother who lives in Hidaka Village. Masa-san has long experience abroad and is an English-speaking Regional Development Cooperation Volunteer.
When I told Masa-san that I wanted to set up a craft brewery in Hidaka Village, he introduced me to Mukai Craft Brewing and said that there was a Japanese-American in Kochi who was preparing to set up a brewery.
I sent a hand-written letter to Mr Mukai in 2020, once MUKAI CRAFT BREWING had opened. I wrote to congratulate him on opening his brewery but included a lot about myself, my hopes and dreams, and why I wanted to open a brewery in Kochi... I ended up writing 8 pages in that letter. It was almost like a love letter (laughs).
That was the start of a long-lasting contact with Mukai-san. After I was officially appointed as a member of the Hidaka Village Regional Development Cooperation Volunteers, it was a natural progression that I was given the opportunity to train at Mukai's brewery.
![Valve Check](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_03.jpg "A bearded white guy stands atop some stepladders checking the valves on top of a stainless steel fermentation vessel are tightly closed.")
_**Q: Please tell us about your activities since coming to Hidaka Village.**_
_**A: I am learning about brewing online and on site.**_
I go to Mukai Craft Brewing two days a week to learn how to make beer and about the brewery.
Mukai-san is a good teacher, having originally been a high school teacher of chemistry and physics. It is very interesting and instructive to learn how to make beer from a chemistry and physics perspective! Mr Mukai has become my mentor and friend.
![Deep in Thought](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_02.jpg "A bearded white guy stands next to his mentor, an Asian looking American considering a particular issue.")
I also put a lot of effort into finding the ideal place to build the brewery. We want our brewery to be a place where people can come to enjoy good craft beer in a relaxed atmosphere.
Every day we go around the village looking for a place, but it's not easy...
Even if we find a good place, it may be difficult to trace the owner(s), or there may be no running water... On the other hand, even if we are allowed to use the land, it may not have a great view of nature that we hope to find.
For us customer experience is ultimately important, and we can't compromise on wanting a place in the mountains or next to the Niyodo River with a good view and clean water, so We continue to search more so that we can find a place that is close to my ideal.
_**Q: How is life in Hidaka Village?**_
_**A: Various people talk to me and I'm gradually learning to understand the Tosa dialect (laughs).**_
When I go shopping at the nearby village market in Hidaka, I stand out somewhat as a foreigner, so the ladies who work there often talk to me which is fun and helps me learn some Tosa dialect!
There are still many things I don't understand because it's difficult, but I'm gradually starting to understand things like 'kojanto' (a lot) and 'ame furi yu' (it's raining) (laughs).
Hidaka village has many interesting people, it is quiet but lively and a great place to raise children.
![Fun Family Times](/images/ikitsuke-inaka/jon_05.jpg "A bearded white guy tickles his baby daughter's feet with his beard whilst his elder daughter and wife look on")
_**Q: What kind of activities do you want to carry out in the future?**_
_**A: I would like to collaborate with local people in order to make different styles of beer.**_
I want to collaborate with various people in the community to create distinctive, local beers.
For example, it might be interesting to make a beer that goes well with Masa's tacos or a beer using tea from the Kiriyama Tea Farm. Or we could try using strawberries or foraged fruits, herbs and vegetables grown in or around the village...
Kochi is rich in ingredients, so I'm excited to come up with all sorts of ideas!
Photo credits: Aiko Kato, Hidaka Village Community Development Cooperation Volunteer
Interview by: Yuka Murakami, Hidaka Village Community Development Cooperation Volunteer
PS: The blog title _The KyōryokuTimes_ is a play on _kyōryokutai_ which is pronunciation of the final part of the programme name, the full name being _chiikiokoshikyōryokutai_ or 地域おこし協力隊.  Hey, I like it, OK :P



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