@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
date: '2021-01-01 15:56:11' |
draft: false |
posttype: note |
slug: 5fef461b |
title: note |
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test |
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--- |
date: '2021-01-01 16:01:01' |
draft: false |
posttype: note |
slug: 5fef473d |
title: note |
--- |
# TEST Header |
**bold** |
*italic* |
- list 1 |
- list 2 |
https://sakino.kelbie.scot |
[link here](https://sakino.kelbie.scot) |
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
--- |
category: |
- education |
date: '2021-01-01 16:12:07' |
draft: false |
posttype: note |
slug: 5fef49d7 |
title: note |
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test |
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{{ define "main" }} |
<section class="archive"> |
<section class="archive-listing"> |
<span class="list-title">{{if not (eq .Name "Blog")}}{{ .Name }}{{ end }}{{if eq .Name "Blog"}}All Blogs{{ end }} <a href="{{ .Permalink }}index.xml"><i class="fa fa-rss fa-2x fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" title="{{ .Name }} RSS feed"></i></a></span> |
{{ if eq .Type "article" "blog"}}<ul class="listing">{{ range .Data.Pages.GroupByDate "2006" }} |
{{ range .Pages }} |
<li class="archive-listing-item"> |
{{ if eq .Type "blog"}} |
<span class="list-blog"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}"> |
{{ $image := (replace .Title " " "") }} |
{{ $image := print "/images/" $image ".jpg" }} |
<img class="banner" src="{{ ( $image | urlize ) | relLangURL }}" /> |
<span class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</span></a> |
</span> |
{{end}} |
{{ if eq .Type "article"}} |
<span class="list-article h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> |
{{ with .Page.Params.Image }}{{ partial "image.html" . }}{{ end }}<span class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</span> |
<section class="e-content">{{ .Description }}</section> |
</a></span> |
{{end}} |
</li> |
{{ end }}{{end}}</ul>{{else}} |
<span class="list-title">{{ humanize .Name }}<a href="{{ .Permalink }}index.xml"><i class="fa fa-rss fa-2x fa-fw" aria-hidden="true" title="{{ .Name }} RSS feed"></i></a></span> |
<ul class="listing"> |
{{ range .Pages }} |
<li class="archive-listing-item"> |
{{ if not (eq .Type "note" "photo") }} |
{{ if eq .Type "article"}} |
<span class="list-article h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> |
{{ with .Page.Params.Image }}{{ partial "image.html" . }}{{ end }}<span class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</span> |
<section class="e-content">{{ .Description }}</section> |
</a></span> |
{{else}}<span class="listing-post"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}">{{ .Title }}</span>{{end}}{{else}} |
<li class="post h-feed contents"> |
{{ if eq .Type "note"}} |
<span class="list-category"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}"> |
<span class="note-banner">{{ humanize .Type }}</span> |
<span class="p-summary e-content"><p>{{ .Summary }}</p></span></a> |
</span>{{else}} |
<article class="list-category index-photo h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> |
<section class="e-content"> |
<section class="photos"> |
{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.Photo }} |
{{ if isset . "value" }} |
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace .value "800." "300."}}" alt="{{ .alt }}"/> |
{{ else }} |
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace . "800." "300."}}" alt="Alt not yet added, will fix!"/> |
{{ end }} |
{{end}} |
</section> |
<span class="archive_content h-entry entry"> |
<span class="info-date"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></a></span> |
<section class="p-name e-content">{{ .Content }}</section> |
<section class="info"> |
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><br/> |
</section> |
</a></article>{{end}}{{end}} |
</span>{{end}} |
</li> |
{{ end }}</ul> |
{{ end }} |
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{{ end }} |
@ -1,50 +1,20 @@ |
{{ define "main" }} |
<section class="about"> |
<section class="h-feed"> |
<section class="latest_note"><h2>Latest note</h2> |
{{ range (first 1 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "note")) }} |
<section class="latest_note"><h2>Latest notes</h2> |
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "note")) }} |
<article class="index-note h-entry entry"> |
<section class="author" style="display:none;"> |
<a rel="author" class="p-author h-card" rel="me" href="https://jon.kelbie.scot">{{ .Site.Params.Author }}<img src="/images/profile1.jpg"/></a> |
</section> |
<span class="info-date"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></a></span> |
<section class="e-content">{{ .Content }} |
</section> |
<section class="info"> |
{{ if eq .Type "article" }} |
<span class="blogs_span">{{ with .Page.Params.Blog }}Blog: {{ partial "taxonomy/blog.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></span><br/> |
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="reading-time">{{ .ReadingTime }}-minute read</span><br/> |
<span class="tags_span">{{ with .Page.Params.tag }}Tags: {{ partial "taxonomy/tags.html" . }}{{ end }}</span> |
{{ else }} |
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><span class="info-date"><a href="{{ .Permalink }}" class="u-url"><time class="dt-published" datetime="{{ .Date.Format "2 Jan 2006 15:04 GMT" }}">{{ .Date.Format "02/01/2006 15:04 GMT" }}</time></a></span><br/> |
{{ end }} |
<span class="categories_span">{{ with .Page.Params.category }}Categories: {{ partial "taxonomy/categories.html" . }}{{ end }}</span><br/> |
</section> |
</article> {{ end }} |
</section> |
<section class="latest_articles"><h2>Latest articles</h2> |
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "article")) }} |
<article class="index-article h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}" title="{{ .Title }}"> |
{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.image }} <img class="banner" src="{{ replace . "images" "images/300" }}"/>{{ end }}<span class="p-name entry-title">{{ .Title }}</span> |
<section class="e-content">{{ .Description }}</section> |
</a></article>{{ end }}</section> |
<section class="latest_photos"><h2>Latest photos</h2> |
{{ range (first 3 (where .Site.RegularPages "Type" "=" "photo")) }} |
<article class="index-photo h-entry entry"><a class="u-url" href="{{ .Permalink }}"> |
<section class="e-content"> |
{{ if eq .Type "photo"}} |
<section class="photos"> |
{{ $summary := .Content }} |
{{ range first 1 .Page.Params.Photo }} |
{{ if isset . "value" }} |
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace .value "800." "300."}}" title="{{$summary}}" alt="{{ .alt }}"/> |
{{ else }} |
<img class="u-photo thumb" src="{{ replace . "800." "300."}}" title="{{$summary}}" alt="Alt not yet added, will fix!"/> |
{{ end }} |
{{end}} |
</section> |
{{end}} |
</section> |
</a></article>{{ end }}</section> |
<a href="https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon"></a> |
</section> |
</section> |