@ -16,4 +16,4 @@ For anyone interested in how kōji is used in the production of saké, here is [
It is somewhat wordy for a poster and not a gleaming example of topnotch graphical design, and I was marked down for this, but I like words.. so...
It is somewhat wordy for a poster and not a gleaming example of topnotch graphical design, and I was marked down for this, but I like words.. so...
Special thanks go to my friend 'on the inside' and 後輩, Andrew Russell who works at Imada Shuzō saké brewery (今田酒造) in Akitsu (安芸津), Hiroshima and who owns the [Origin Sake blog](https://ww.originsake.com).
Special thanks go to my friend 'on the inside' and 後輩, Andrew Russell who works at Imada Shuzō saké brewery (今田酒造) in Akitsu (安芸津), Hiroshima and who owns the [Origin Sake blog](https://www.originsake.com).